Legacy plan 25,000 submissions reached


with one of our account, we reached the 25,000 monthly submissions limit included in the legacy plan. However, the surveys receiving these submissions are regular surveys (used on a daily basis by multiple enumerators), and we can’t stop the data collection on these surveys as it would have negative impacts on our programming. We can’t subscribe to the paying plans as of now, as it is an organizational decision and it has to be budgeted.
Even if we reached the monthly limit, enumerators are continuing to fill and send the submissions (as mentioned, we can’t stop these ongoing data collection), and it seems to continue to work. My question is, what will happen to these submissions sent after the 25,000 limit? Will we still be able to access and download this data? or will it be lost?
thanks a lot for your support

Welcome back to the community, @dez_im_ope! Maybe this post discussed previously should help you answer some of your queries:

Feel free to reach us back if you should have other queries.