Lost admin account

Our admin account’s password has been changed. No one knows who the person was who originally set up the account so I don’t know the email address to send a change password link. I have the username but that is all. I am hoping someone can help.

Welcome to the community, @adubsky! Kindly please be informed that there are two servers (HHI and the OCHA) for KoBoToolbox. If you have an account in one of the server and you try to open your account through the link for the other server, you are unable to login. Thus it’s important that you login with the right link.

For an HHI account, try login through this link

For an OCHA account, try login through this link

If you still have login issues with the link provided above, please reach us through support@kobotoolbox.org. We shall reset your login password. But for this please reach us back with the following information (from the email that you registered your KoBoToolbox user account):

  • Username
  • Server (HHI or OCHA)
  • Email ID

Ok I will contact support with the username the server but I don’t know the original email address that set up the account. I can only provide my email address. Is that a problem?

Please note: You will have to reach support with the original email id that you used while creating your account.

we don’t know it.