Hello, I received this message " You have reached your yearly storage limits . Please upgrade your plan or purchase an add-on to increase your usage limits."
I can’t afford to pay anything,
If I want this message to be deleted, can I delete some of the forms and that will work or do I have to create a new account?
If I continue to work on the same account, will this lead to deleting some forms or closing the account??
Hi @Kal_Lam , Usage option is not showing in my Account Settings. How can I check my accounts usage in terms of total storage ?
Kind Regards,
Welcome back to the community, @junaidjabbar01 ! Would you mind sharing the following information through a private message so that I could have a closer look at your case:
Note: You could share with me a private message as outlined in the post discussed previously:
Hi @Lavinia ,
You could send a private message to a user in the community forum as follows:
Option 1: Sending a private message
Step 1: Select the Reply button as boxed in red below.
[Image 1]
Step 2: Select the Reply button once again, but now from this place, as shown in the image below.
[Image 2]
Step 3: Now select New Message as shown in the image below.
[Image 3]
Option 2: Sending a private message to me
Step 1: Click on my username Kal_Lam.
Step 2: Then on the right, click the…